I do not get tired of saying that I am a huge fan of spreading the word, so in this section you will find some of the podcast I took part of. You will find technical and non-technical material.
“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

Living by the Code
In this podcast I shared some drinks at the bar with Nishant and Dru from raywenderlich.com where we discussed the book Living by the Code Continue reading Living by the Code

The IMPACT of an organization CULTURE - Spanish
In this ocassion we discussed a very interesting topic related to Engineering Culture and Leadership in an Organization. The Podcast is in SPANISH. Continue reading The IMPACT of an organization CULTURE - Spanish

There is way more than CODING - Spanish
In this opportunity we talked about the BIG impact that an organization good culture brings to the design and development of a product, specifically from an engineering perspective.. The Podcast is in SPANISH. Continue reading There is way more than CODING - Spanish

Learn From Your Mistakes and Don't Be Afraid To Speak.
Fernando enjoys sharing his knowledge with others and putting it to use by helping people to solve their problems. Continue reading Learn From Your Mistakes and Don't Be Afraid To Speak.

The art of coding DISASTERS and FAILURES.
Software engineering and technology is about constant evolution* and **continuous improvement. In order to achieve this, we have a long path ahead of us, which many times is not easy to follow. Let’s jump together on this journey about lessons learned. Continue reading The art of coding DISASTERS and FAILURES.

Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Delivery (CD) at SoundCloud.
We discussed and talked about good practices when it comes to software development and team organization. Continue reading Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Delivery (CD) at SoundCloud.