Reality’s Dark Side: Quantum and Monkeys.

Reality’s Dark Side: Quantum and Monkeys.

Quantum Mechanics focus on the study of the structure and behavior of subatomic particles… This sounds weird, right? Let’s explore Quantum Mechanics Basics, clear up some of its concepts and also let’s dive into the current state of Quantum Computing.

“If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it.”


  • Winter Jax 2018 - Munich - Germany


Quantum Mechanics focus on the study of the structure and behavior of subatomic particles, and our world is actually ruled by atomic and subatomic elements which have wave and particle nature… What does this mean? Well, this might sound interesting (or weird)

So in this talk we will try to learn and clear up these concepts. Join me in this journey and let’s dive together into what is Quantum Mechanics and what has done for us so far. We will also explore Quantum Computing and its current state.


  • No video recorded for this one :(.


Further Reading