Here you can quickly jump to a particular “CONTENT” related to the Topic: “INFRASTRUCTURE”.

An over-engineered Home Lab with Docker and Kubernetes.
Setting up a personal Home Lab is not a task for lazy people: it incurrs a big cost of maintenance and issues arise even though we might use the best IT-Infrastructure practices… but we can always learn a lot out of it and make it also super fun. In this post I would like to share my journey and share some tips and tricks and issues I bumped into. Let’s jump in! Continue reading An over-engineered Home Lab with Docker and Kubernetes.

Arch Linux System Maintainance.
In this guide we will walk through the most important practices regarding system maintainance for Linux home computers. Most of them are Arch Linux (and variants) specific but we can get ideas on how other distros can use and apply the same principles. Continue reading Arch Linux System Maintainance.

Learn Linux... Install Arch with Full Disk Encryption.
This post will act pretty much as a guide (a long one), in order to help you INSTALL and UNDERSTAND Arch Linux with full disk encryption. Let’s also walk together through some of the concepts involved in the amazing world of Linux. Continue reading Learn Linux... Install Arch with Full Disk Encryption.